I started using GitHub Actions to handle the Hugo build and deployment of this website. I was using a dedicated AWS IAM user with the required policies and added their Access Key ID and Secret Access Key as repository secrets.
AIX Levels are named based on Release, Technology Level, Service Pack, and Build Sequence Identifier e.g. 7100-05-04-1914. As well as the current OS level, the oslevel command can show details of the TLs and SPs on a server along with details of any up- or down-level filesets.
Users created with Synology’s LDAP Server have their login shell set to /sbin/nologin. Add the following to the end of /usr/syno/etc/nslcd.conf if you want to enable SSH logins to your NAS for your LDAP users.
I am working towards my AWS System Architect - Associate certification, training online with A Cloud Guru. I started this last year but the course has been updated for the latest version of the exam.