
Moving Away From AWS Access Keys

Following Amazon IAM best practices for AWS credentials

I started using GitHub Actions to handle the Hugo build and deployment of this website. I was using a dedicated AWS IAM user with the required policies and added their Access Key ID and Secret Access Key as repository secrets.

Down-level Filesets on AIX

Investigating the issue with the 'oslevel' command

AIX Levels are named based on Release, Technology Level, Service Pack, and Build Sequence Identifier e.g. 7100-05-04-1914. As well as the current OS level, the oslevel command can show details of the TLs and SPs on a server along with details of any up- or down-level filesets.

Enable LDAP User SSH to Synology NAS

Securing the connection to your NAS

Users created with Synology’s LDAP Server have their login shell set to /sbin/nologin. Add the following to the end of /usr/syno/etc/nslcd.conf if you want to enable SSH logins to your NAS for your LDAP users.

Roman Numerals to Arabic Numbers

Python for Beginners

I am working towards my AWS System Architect - Associate certification, training online with A Cloud Guru. I started this last year but the course has been updated for the latest version of the exam.